Years ago, my older sister came home raving about Cirque du Soleil’s Alegria. I had no idea what any of these words meant but she had gotten her hands on the movie, and was determined that she was going to go to the show. So she did. When she came home her excitement peaked my curiosity and seeing Cirque Du Soleil perform quickly made it onto my bucket list. Like many things on my bucket list, I never got around to looking into it. Then my friend Erica from, Mamas Mission, was kind enough to set us up for a show.
Cirque Du Soleil’s Volta is an acrobatic and rhythmic story of a boy who stops trying to fit a societal mold and embraces his true self. Joining the truly awakened individuals who have achieved true self-realization. Riddled with Jung undertones, this colorful story is so absolutely entertaining to watch. Never have I seen a story of self-acceptance have so many abs and a unicycle, and I loved it. Seriously, SO MANY ABS. And there I was, eating popcorn, while Isabella would not sit in her chair because her little legs couldn’t stop her from dancing. So many abs. There was also a woman hanging by her ballerina bun, dancing through the air. I could not wear my hair up for two days because of it but it was the most graceful thing I’ve seen in a bit.
The music, OH THE MUSIC, was so incredibly sung and played that a part of me didn’t process the fact that the singing was LIVE until the second act. So many high notes at perfect pitch and ABS. I was unbelievably motivated to do a lifetime core workout by the intermission. I may or may not have subtly attempted sitting crunches from my seat.
Isabella, my mother, and I had such a blast on our double mommy-daughter, grandma-granddaughter date that we all decided to join the circus. Well, not literally, we just all pretended to be really great at walking on imaginary tightropes, balancing on one leg, and went home with a resolve to work on our cartwheels. Plus, Isabella joined a gymnastics class. She’s still pretty intent on joining a local circus. I tried to explain to her that our family is a walking circus, but she’ll only cede to that compromise if we all learn some cool rollerblading tricks.
Click here to see if Cirque Du Soliel Volta is touring to your city, or any other Cirque Du Soleil show. If you’re local in Miami, there’s still a little bit of time to catch a show under The Big Top!