My little baby girl is ONE. She’s growing into such a sweet and vibrant girl. A garden party was really the only way to celebrate the fact that she’s grown quicker than weeds during Florida’s rainy season. Let’s talk about how quickly our babies grow for just a moment. Everyone tells you to enjoy it because it goes by fast. It does. They just don’t tell you that it seems like you’re living the LONGEST days ever but there are only 17 days in a year and BOOM your kid is another year older. So Kate is a year but she was born 17 days ago.
The only thing that helps you celebrate a year of survival and emotionally cope with how quickly time flies, is to put out a ton of food out on a table and eat your feelings. That is exactly what we did.
To burn off all of those calories, we played on the playground and then surrounded ourselves with pigs and goats. Because the animals ate everything in sight, including the map in my hands, we felt at home.
The goats were totally my friends, this one was just upset that he had already eaten all of my paper. Everyone had a good time. I like to think it’s because our parties are fun, but I purposely pump everyone with sugar so they are bound to have a good time.
I am so blessed to be able to watch my little girls grow into such sweet, strong, beautiful, and smart little girls. I have worked really hard in my life, the hardest at being a mother, but I have done it all for these two and they have shown me just how worth my investment they have been. Happy birthday, Baby Kate. We love you so much more than you will ever know.
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