This is not a political post. In fact, this is quite the opposite. Yes. You read the heading right. I am teaching my children to see color.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “the United States is a melting pot?” I remember learning it in good ol’ Leewood Elementary school. It was the simple concept that we’re all different, but we all melt together to form one people. Wow. What a concept, right? Now in big people words. The U.S. is comprised of a heterogeneous culture (aka “different kinds of people”) and we all come together to form a homogeneous culture (we become alike).
Have you ever seen a melting pot? Click it, google it. It’s not super pretty, is it?
I’m teaching my children to see color. I’m teaching my children to see that people are different. I’m teaching them to see that some people are rich and some people are not as fortunate, and that sometimes the same person can be rich and unfortunate. I’m teaching them to see that some people are atheist, some are Christian, some are Catholic, some are Jewish, some are Muslim, some are Buddhist, and that within each countless religion, there are countless sects of that religion.
I’m teaching my children to see that some people are Democrat and some people are Republican.
Do you know what else I’m teaching my children?
- Love
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Humility
- Compassion
- Humor
- Service
- Empathy
- Respect
- Virtue;
- And to pursue knowledge like it’s the most priceless treasure.
This is not a political post. Not even a politically correct one.
My heart breaks every time I hear someone telling people that we should not see or teach color. Why in the world not? What this world lacks more than equality is love, respect, virtue, and empathy. My kids will see color and they will see that those colors are beautiful. They will not be taught to simply sympathize with those who struggle, they will be taught to “mourn with those that mourn”, to feel with them, to fight for what’s right, to defend truth and righteousness, and to “stand with those that stand in need of comfort.”
My kids will be taught to find what makes them similar to others but more so to find what makes them different, for that will be the divinest part of their nature and the greatest aspect of their individual worth. They will also know that what makes others different will be the divinest part of that person’s nature and the greatest aspect of their individual worth. They will see black, and black will be beautiful to them. They will see white and white will be different than black, and just as beautiful. They will see those whom are disabled and they will be just as beautiful and just as worthy of their respect and love. More than black and white, they will be made aware of a colorful spectrum of people.
I will teach them that there are different religions and different political parties, I will help them find the principles and ideas that they align with most, and I will support whatever they choose to believe. More importantly, they will know that other people will choose to believe different things and although we might at times disagree, those people should be respected and loved for doing their part in trying to decipher where they belong on a political, religious, and moral platform.
I will teach them to teach others what they believe, to promote support for the causes they believe in, but to do so lovingly and without judgment. They will know to reserve the same when others choose not to support their causes or believe their beliefs, and that they cannot and will not respect or love them any less. They will learn to spread love and positivity, share goodness, and serve others.
How beautiful the world would be if all people were taught love, inclusiveness, and acceptance as opposed to division. The melting pot is an awful concept. I rather our country be compared to a veggie bowl, skittles, a bag of fruit loops, a box of crayons, or the entire paint swatch wall at Home Depot. Full of difference and full of beauty.
So much truth and so many deaf ears ! Excellent writing on the issues we all live daily – but choose to continue to fall in the deaf ears of ignorance. If everyone would teach their children this simple concept the world would be a better place for all
Wow Jessiquita!
This was so timely and inspiring! I’m so proud of the woman and mother you have become. Your daughters are very blessed!
I will re post this beautiful message of love.
Love you?❤️?